Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Op-Video: Sex, Lies and Photoshop (NYTimes video)

Why magazines should let readers know if images have been retouched.

What do you think?

Interesting Essay on Writing and the Alphabet

Found this interesting essay on writing and it's effect on our thinking; seemed relevant to our discussion yesterday on the evolution of text.
On the Ecological Consequences of Alphabetic Literacy:
Reflections in the Shadow of Plato’s PHAEDRUS (David Abram)

what do you think?
(David Abram is author of "The Spell of the Sensuous," a wonderful book on environmental philosophy and our experience of the natural world, which includes some of his ideas about text's influence on our evolution)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Portrait of an Artist as an Avatar - Filthy Fluno - NYTimes.com

How a struggling Boston painter finally found success through his alter ego -- a hip, virtual-world art-scene maker.

Article - NYTimes.com